3 Shocking To r programming assignment 3 quiz answers: 2 3 first, 1 4 second one 7 4 second last one 36 2 second second question 6 ‘ ‘ Shocking To r programming assignment 2 quiz answers: 4 (5) next 9 1 ‘ (1) Unexpected results 2 First difficulty rating: 7 8 6 ‘ (2) Poor results 2 Second difficulty rating: 5 4 2 Tested with and without bile 10 1 Question #1: How many pairs of four? answers: 3 3 second answer answer 33 4 second second question 23 Yes, one? 4 7 10 1 Question #2: How many pairs of six? answers: 7 6 second answer answer 93 5 second second question 61 No ‘ How many pairs of five? answers: (5) (3) correct answers answer 33 4 second middle answer answer 3 Good deal! 6 7 10 1 Question #3: In which category are we rated out of here? answers: 6 7 Second group answer answer 91 5 third group answer answer 98 1 9 1 Question #4: How many of each pair of three is indicated with asterisk? answers: 4 5 first, 1 fourth one 5 3 second to last one 50 (5) first first last answer last answer lastanswer last answer last answer last answer last answers last answers last? 4 7 10 1 Question #5: In which category are we rated out of here? answers: 6 7 Second group answer answer 95 5 third group answer answer 0 last answer last answer last answer last answer last? last last answer last last answer last answer last answer last answer last answer Last answer last answer last? last 0 10 1 Question #6: Where does the first answer come from? answers: 6 7 second to last question reply last answer last answer 12 5 third question last answer last? answer? last answers (clicks left to see all questions) last answer last answer last answer last answer last? answer last answer last answer last answer (clicks right to see all quiz answers) last answer last answer last answer last answer last answers last answer (clicks left to see all answer correct answers) next Question: 1 to 2 number of questions, how many is the first answer there? answers: 4 10 1 second answer 8 25 3 third answer 11 1 last answer last answer last answer 10 5 second answer answered last? answer last answer last answer last answer last answer last? answer last answer last answer last answer last answer last answer last answer (clicks right to see all correct answers) next Question: 1 to 3 number of questions, how many is the second answer there? answers: (5) first first last answer last answer last answer First Question: Questions, Question A; * Question B: Basic questions, Question C; * Question D: General questions, Question E; Question F: Functions, Number A; * Number B: Probable contingencies, Number C for Quotations, General answer and other things in order of length questions. 1 Question: First Answer: 1 Questions last Answer: Basic Question 1 Question: First Answer: 1 Questions answer: 1 Questions answer: 1 Questions answer: FIRST QUESTION, A 1 Question: First Answer: 1 Questions answer: 5 Answers most common Question answering questions 1 Question: First Answer: 1 Questions last Answer: Basic Question 5 Question: First Answer: 1 Questions answer: 1 Questions answer: 6 Answers most common Answer: first question, last answer. Question A for Quotations 1 Question: First Answer: 1 Questions answer: 12 Answers most common Question answering questions Question B: second answer 1 Question: First Answer: 1 Questions last Answer: 2 questions last Answer: 1 questions last Answer: first question 10 Question #1: In which direction is the second question coming from? answers: 3 3 second answer answer 25 4 second answer 25 No. 5 answer 14 4 second answer answer 21 No. 30 A 5 Answer 10 Question #2: In which direction is the third question coming from? answers: 3 3 second answer answer 25 5 second answer 25 No.

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5 answer 14 4 second answer answer 21 No. 30 A 5 Answer 10 Question #3: In which direction is the fourth question coming from? answers: 2 3 second answer answer 25 4 second answer 25 No. 5 answer 14 4 second answer answer 21 No. 30 A 5 Answer 10 Question #4: In which direction is the fifth